Monday, April 5, 2010

This assignment was to create a digital self-portrait using a silhouette and text that you feel represents you as a person. We could use lyrics from a favorite song or maybe a catchy phrase that you use frequently. The students had to create more then one of them but they have to be different. They have to be to different color schemes. They have to start by having another student take you’re photograph. When you take the picture you have to place it on to illustrator. Then begin tracing your profile.


The way that I cropped my image was by taking a picture of my body.

I made the outline of my body the inside I made it black and white. The inside of my out line has lyrics. The lyrics are misunderstood from Lil wayne. The back grown of my out line is black and white.


The way that I cropped my piece creates an interesting piece because it looks like me .the text and font fits well with my image. The way that my back ground enhance my design is it makes it look much better. It makes my design look like its meant to goes with the design.


In this assignment I believe that I did very well. The reason why I think this is because I followed all the steeps and I included everything I needed to include. What I like best about my self portrait is how I highlighted my glasses because of this it if some one looked at my self portrait they could tell that its me. What I learned new was to take an out line of me and make it look like me also I learned how to take different tools and make different shapes.

Animal hybrid


The assignment was to pick you three best attributes. Then chose an animal to represent each attribute, from there on you had to find images of each of the animal’s sow you could trace in illustrator. I had to decide how you I would combine these animals to create one creature that represents you. When students are done combining you’re three animals you have to create an abstract background.


The three animals that I chose were first was a lion then it was a deer and last a hock. I used the body of a lion. I also used the antlers of a deer and lastly the wings of a hock. What I used in my background was a blast. The color of the blast was red and black.


The way that the three animals represent my personality is the lion is strong but yet at the same time is very smart. The deer is a calm animal the hock is free its always in the clouds and also strong. My background connect to my animals by that my animal is dark and the blast bring that dark feeling to my animal.


For this assignment over all I think that I have accomplished my goal. My goal was to create an animal that looked like it was real.  What I like the most about my animal is that its dark but yet you could tell what animal’s I used. If I would have to change anything on my animal I wouldn’t change anything the reason for that is because my animal looks the way I wanted to look. In doing this project the new tools that I learned to use was the pen tool. I had used it in pass project but I have gating better, also I learned how make a blast or a hallo.